How to Boost Your Emotional Intelligence and Achieve More at Work

Emotional intelligence, also known as emotional quotient or EQ, was introduced by Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer in the 1990s, and further developed and made popular by Daniel Goleman.

Since Intelligence Quotient (IQ) was first introduced by the French psychologist Alfred Binet in 1905, we can say EQ is a relatively recent concept.

Emotional intelligence is a component of Howard Gardner’s view of social intelligence, according to the early theory outlined by Salovey and Mayer in 1990. It was said to involve awareness of ourselves and others, much like the “personal” intelligences Gardner had envisioned.

Since then, the concept of emotional intelligence has received a great deal of attention from researchers in psychology and other disciplines. It has gained wide acceptance and has been applied in several areas, like education, business, health, work and leadership.

Having a high EQ means having the ability to perceive, interpret, demonstrate, control, evaluate, and use emotions to communicate with and relate to others effectively and constructively. 🗣️

If you have a good EQ, you most certainly are good at:

  • Identifying your own emotions (Emotional Awareness)
  • Harnessing those emotions and using them for brainstorming ideas and problem solving (Emotional Application)
  • Regulating your emotions when necessary and helping others to do the same (Emotional Management)

Why is it important?

Emotional intelligence is important because it has a positive impact on various aspects of life, including personal relationships, academic and professional success, and overall well-being. 🧘🏻‍♀️

Individuals with high levels of emotional intelligence are more likely to be successful in their personal and professional lives, have better mental health, and experience greater satisfaction with life in general.

A good EQ offers benefits like:

  • Improving mental health and well-being, as it helps with coping with stress, anxiety, depression, and other emotional challenges
  • Enhancing interpersonal relationships, as it fosters empathy, compassion, trust, and cooperation
  • Boosting personal and professional performance, as it facilitates creativity, innovation, problem-solving, decision-making, and leadership

Can you improve your EQ?

The good news is that EQ is not a fixed trait that you are born with—this is a set of skills and behaviors that you can learn, develop, and enhance throughout your life!

If you want to improve your EQ, or your IQ, there are many ways to do so, like reading books, taking courses, practicing exercises, or seeking feedback from people around you.

Some of the ways to cultivate emotional intelligence are:

  • Practicing self-awareness, or paying attention to your feelings and thoughts
  • Practicing self-regulation, or managing your emotions in a healthy and appropriate way
  • Practicing social awareness, or being attentive and responsive to the feelings and needs of other people
  • Practicing social skills, or communicating and collaborating with others effectively and respectfully

IQ and EQ: are they related?

IQ and EQ are both measures of different aspects of human intelligence, and they are not necessarily related.

Some people may have high IQ and low EQ, the other way around, or even both high or both low.

There is no definitive answer to how these measures may impact each other, because different studies have found different results and there is no clear consensus.

It may depend on how they are defined and measured, and for what purpose.

But what matters the most is how you use your IQ and EQ in your own life, and how you balance these two factors to achieve your goals and your happiness.

Having a high EQ may suggest at least an average or high IQ and can more accurately predict success at work than IQ alone. On the other hand, having a high IQ does not always imply having a high EQ.

While IQ can predict academic performance, EQ is more fit to predict success in work and in life.

In sum, we can say that IQ can predict academic success but may not always lead to success in work, or life in general!

So, can we say that IQ is vital for academic success but EQ is essential in the workplace?

Definitely, the ability to perceive, understand, manage, and use emotions effectively can have a positive impact in our professional life by improving communication, collaboration, performance, and professional satisfaction.

Here are some examples that illustrate emotional intelligence in the workplace:

Situation 1

A manager notices that an employee is feeling stressed or overwhelmed and offers support and guidance rather than criticizing or ignoring them. This shows empathy and compassion, which are vital components of emotional intelligence.

Situation 2

A team member who disagrees with another team member’s idea expresses their opinion respectfully and constructively rather than dismissing or attacking the other’s idea. This shows emotional awareness and regulation, which are key in managing conflicts and emotions.

Situation 3

An employee receives negative feedback from a supervisor, accepts it gracefully, and uses it as an opportunity to learn and improve rather than get defensive or angry. This shows resilience and motivation, which are important for achieving goals and overcoming challenges.

Situation 4

A leader inspires and motivates followers by sharing their vision, values, and emotions rather than relying on authority or coercion. This shows social skills and influence, which are crucial for building trust and rapport.

Situation 5

A customer service representative listens attentively and empathetically to a customer’s complaint, apologizes sincerely, and offers the most satisfactory solution possible rather than arguing with or blaming them. This shows emotional application and problem-solving skills, which are crucial for satisfying customers and creating positive outcomes.


By improving your EQ, you can become a more effective and successful leader and a better coworker, leveraging on the ability to communicate effectively, collaborate productively, and influence positively.
A high EQ can help you inspire, motivate, and empower others, as well as help you express yourself clearly, give and receive feedback effectively, resolve conflicts, and recognize achievements.

A leader with a high EQ will:

  • Build trust and rapport with colleagues, subordinates, and superiors
  • Inspire and motivate others to achieve common goals
  • Adapt to different personalities, cultures, and contexts
  • Resolve conflicts and manage difficult emotions
  • Be more creative and innovative through diverse perspectives and feedback
  • Promote a more positive and productive work culture

These are but a few examples of how emotional intelligence is helpful in the workplace. 💼

You can find more information on this topic on the internet, such as:

50 Practical Examples of High Emotional Intelligence

Professional EQ can also be enhanced. Here are some tips on how to improve your emotional intelligence at work:

  • Practice self-awareness: pay attention to your own feelings and thoughts and how they affect your behavior and interactions with others. Writing a journal, meditating, or asking others for feedback will increase your self-awareness. This site can be a fantastic way to start and keep a journal 🔖 ✍️

  • Practice self-regulation: manage your own emotions and impulses in a healthy and appropriate way. You can use techniques like breathing exercises, meditation, positive affirmations, or reframing negative thoughts to calm yourself down when you feel stressed, angry, or anxious. Check out more tips here:
  • Practice social awareness: be attentive and responsive to the feelings and needs of others. You can use skills like empathy, active listening, and curiosity to show interest and respect for other people’s perspectives and situations.
  • Practice social skills: communicate and collaborate with others effectively and respectfully. You can use strategies like conflict resolution, assertiveness, or influence to express your ideas or opinions, resolve disagreements, or persuade others.
  • Seek feedback and learning opportunities: ask for and accept constructive criticism from others, and use it as a chance to learn and improve. You can also seek out mentoring, coaching, or training courses that can help you develop your emotional intelligence further.

Your performance can, without a doubt, be fueled by emotional intelligence both at work and in your personal life, but you won’t get a high EQ out of thin air—it all needs to happen inside you. 💗 🤞

Understanding and controlling your emotions can help you succeed in all aspects of life, from self-assurance, self-control, empathy, and optimism to social and professional skills.

In terms of customer experience, a high EQ helps us be resilient during interactions, take ownership of our actions, accept responsibility and respond well to constructive criticism, and comprehend and meet customers’ needs and expectations, as well as establish and uphold strong relationships with customers. 😌

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