Artificial Intelligence and Human Employment II

Human–AI Interaction

ChatGPT 🤖

ChatGPT, in a nutshell, is something like “a chat bot” with artificial intelligence, specializing in online dialogue, that was developed by OpenAI and launched in 2022.

It is a natural language processing tool that is fine-tuned from learning with human supervision, and trained on the basis of reinforcement (Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback—RLHF).

GPT stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer and is the most evolved chatbot ever, capable of holding more coherent and “natural” conversations than any predecessor.

ChatGPT has been created to generate responses as similar as possible to what a human could generate in a chat environment. This famous chatbot, besides having notions of ethics, can define quantum physics, recommend good music albums and movies, and even draft poems! ✍️

However, the truth is ChatGPT is still just a baby and is extremely far from being able to outperform a human. 👶 If only for the simple fact that it needs exceptionally large language models with a vast number of features to respond in a comparable way to that of one single (and limited) human.

Have you ever talked to ChatGPT?

Bing AI, powered by the GPT-4 language model, is now the new native search engine for ChatGPT. We’ve chatted with Bing to give you a taste.

Image created by the Verbarium team, with AI

There are three conversation modes:

  • More creative
  • More balanced
  • More precise

For our conversation (summarized so as not to take too much of your time) we have chosen the balanced mode. Take a look at this very illustrative conversation of both the impressive capabilities and obvious limitations of this technology in the infographics we’ve created for you! 😊

Images created by the Verbarium team, with AI

Hybrid working models

If you can’t beat them, join them—as they say. 🏆

As Bing suggested in the conversation above, we should ideally focus instead on achieving hybrid working methods instead of separate workforces between machines and humans.

In other words, to think of a way for humans and computers to work together, capitalizing on the strengths of each and exploiting the almost limitless capabilities of these human-machine binomials.

In the case of translation, this would be a method composed of neural machine translation complemented by human post-editing, that is, combining the performance and speed of artificial intelligence with the knowledge and sensitivity of human translators and reviewers. A hybrid translation model would exponentially improve translation quality by overcoming the problems that we have seen to be inseparable from exclusively machine translation methods.

If so, rather than being a threat, artificial intelligence could be a real opportunity for improvement in translation, and in many other professional fields.

What about the infamous “Machine Revolution” or The Terminator?

Well, at least so far, past the initial dazzle of realizing that the responsiveness is almost endless and doesn’t feel based on a script, we can see that the AI’s responses sound very much like material that has been “fed” by humans, supplemented by the information contained in its massive amount of research resources.

We can compare ChatGPT to a student who, in order to do a school assignment, research in books or on the Internet and constructs an answer based on the various information they have gathered but wouldn’t have been able to answer without help from these sources, much less with a critical personal opinion on the subject.

Although ChatGPT can tell a joke or make a poem, it does so based on the collection of others that already exist and were born from human imagination, and believe me, the result isn’t always that impressive—and certainly not flawless.

If you feel like chatting with ChatGPT, take a peek:

Or, if you have a Microsoft account, open in Microsoft Edge, click on chat and then the button to type your question.

You will be required to log in!

If you haven’t read the first part of this article yet, check it out here!

And if you have any questions about our translation, proofreading and copywriting services, reach out to the 100% human members of our team via the WhatsApp button or the contact form here:

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Aqui, exploramos temas que nos são queridos e relevantes. Sérios, mas com um toque de humor e apimentados pela nossa paixão pela escrita! Conheça-nos “nos bastidores” e partilhe a sua opinião através dos comentários!

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This is where we explore topics that we hold dear or that are relevant. Serious, with a hint of humor and spiced up by our passion for writing! Get to know us “behind the scenes” and share your opinion in the comments section!


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      Machine translation has improved beyond belief, but it’s not infallible, much less can it consider local habits and cultural traits or adapt the translation to the intended audience or type of customer, nor consider factors such as the intent behind the words.

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