Equity VS. Equality: Defining and Applying the Concepts

Equality and equity are two words that are often used interchangeably, but they have different meanings and implications for social justice and human rights.

In this article, we will explore the difference between these two important concepts, how they differ, not just semantically, and why these concepts are so important in a fairer and more inclusive world.



Semantics is the study of the meaning and interpretation of words and sentences. Semantics also influences how we understand equality and equity, and how we apply them in different contexts and domains.

For example, the word “equal” can have different meanings depending on the situation, such as “identical,” “proportional,” or “equivalent.”

Similarly, the word “equitable” can have different meanings depending on the perspective, such as “fair,” “impartial,” or “proportionate.”

As we can see, these words are not synonyms!


What is equality?

Equality is a concept that refers to the state or quality of being equal or having the same rights, opportunities, and status.

Equality is often associated with the idea of treating everyone the same, regardless of their differences and distinct needs.

For example, equality in education means that every student has access to the same curriculum, resources, and facilities.

However, equality does not always lead to fair or just outcomes, especially when there are existing inequalities or disadvantages among groups of people. For instance, if we give every student the same amount of homework, we are not taking into account their different abilities, backgrounds, and living circumstances.

Some students may have more time, support, and resources to complete the homework, while others may face barriers such as poverty, disability, or discrimination.

Likewise, people with lower incomes need more help to be able to access health care.

Therefore, equality does not necessarily address the root causes of inequality or the structural issues behind it.


What is equity?

Equity is a concept that refers to fairness or justice in the way people are treated, or the allocation of resources and opportunities based on people’s needs and circumstances.

Equity is often associated with the idea of treating people differently, but fairly, while considering their situation. For example, equity in education means that every student receives the support and assistance they need to achieve their full potential.

For instance, if we provide more help to students who are struggling academically, we aren’t favoring them over others. They had a serious disadvantage to begin with! We are rather providing them with a more equal and fair opportunity to catch up and succeed.

Equity recognizes that people have different starting points, experiences, and challenges, and that some social groups face more disadvantages, discrimination, difficulties, etc. Therefore, equity aims to reduce or eliminate the disparities caused by inequality and injustice.

Equality in health care would mean that everyone has the same access to the same health services and resources, regardless of their health status, income, location, or other factors. Equity means that everyone is treated fairly and according to their specific needs, which may vary depending on their circumstances.

For example, equity in health care would mean that everyone has access to the health services and resources that they need to achieve the same health outcomes, which may require different levels of support, quality, or quantity.



The system of institutions, culture, and human connections that are interconnected and organized is what we call society. The ideas and practices of fairness and equality, as well as how they are regarded and used in diverse spheres of social life, have the power to both influence and be changed by society.

For instance, the rules, regulations, and standards governing social welfare, democracy, and human rights can also influence and be influenced by equality and equity.

Likewise, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors of people and groups toward diversity, inclusion, and social change both impact and are impacted by equality and equity.


Resource distribution

Resource distribution and opportunity access are two aspects of social justice that are influenced by equity and equality. Resource distribution refers to how the goods and services of a society are allocated among its members, such as income, wealth, education, health care, etc.

Opportunity access refers to how the members of a society can participate in and benefit from the social, economic, and political activities and institutions, such as employment, voting, education, healthcare, etc.

Equality and equity can have different implications for resource distribution and opportunity access. For instance, equality in resource distribution would mean that everyone receives the same amount or share of resources, regardless of their needs or preferences. Equity in resource distribution would mean that everyone receives the amount or share of resources that they need or deserve, based on their needs or contributions.

Similarly, equality in opportunity access would mean that everyone has the same legal and formal rights to access the opportunities available in a society, regardless of their abilities or backgrounds.

On the other hand, equity in opportunity access would mean that everyone has the same effective and actual chances to access the opportunities available in a society, taking into account their abilities and backgrounds.


Why is it important to understand the different nuances?

Equality and equity are essential for achieving social justice and human rights, which are the moral principles and legal guarantees that protect the dignity and well-being of all people.

Social justice and human rights are based on the idea that all people are equal in worth and deserve to be treated with respect and compassion, and to have access to the opportunities and resources that enable them to live a fulfilling and dignified life.

As we can see, these are two related but very distinct concepts that have different meanings and implications for social justice and human rights, and for diversity and inclusion.

Equality refers to the sameness of treatment, resources, and opportunities, while equity refers to the fairness of treatment, resources, and opportunities. Equality does not always lead to equity, and equity does not always require equality, but both equality and equity are important for achieving social justice and human rights.

Equality and equity are also important because they are beneficial for creating a more diverse and inclusive world, which means embracing and respecting the differences and similarities among people.

They can foster creativity, innovation, and collaboration, and can enhance the social, economic, and environmental well-being of individuals and communities.

Diversity and inclusion are based on the idea that all people are not “equal,” but rather unique and valuable, and have something to contribute and learn from each other to enrich and improve the world. 😊

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