We answer your frequently asked questions here!
1. Who is Verbarium – Luso Translation Boutique?
Verbarium is a Translation Boutique, based in Portugal, which offers translation and linguistic services to national and international customers.
Our services include translation, draft translation, proofreading, copywriting, transcreation and localization. To learn more about us, we recommend you visit the About Us or Services pages.
2. Where is Verbarium located?
Verbarium does not have its own installations since our team works entirely from home. In any case, if necessary, we will be happy to come to your place of work or to another agreed-upon location in the Greater Lisbon area.
We are aware that there are situations in which being face-to-face would be easier, whether to clarify doubts or to hand over documents, but if this is not possible, don’t worry, we will always find a solution.
We serve customers anywhere in Portugal or the world. Contact us!
3. What services do you provide?
We offer various translation and language services, including: translation, proofreading, localization, transcreation, and copywriting in various contexts and for various purposes. Regarding our translation services, we mostly work with: technical translation, legal translation, website translation, certified translation, marketing translation, and others, depending on the customer’s specific needs.
If you wish to know our services in greater detail, we recommend you visit the Services page, or if you prefer to contact us directly, you can do so through the Contact form or email.
4. What is your working method?
We aim to provide the best possible service to our customers, whether private or corporate.
For that purpose, an internal quality management procedure was developed, consisting of 3 stages—each carried out by a different professional—involving: Translation + Proofreading + Reading (Final Quality Assurance).
All projects (except draft translations) go through these 3 stages, regardless of size, because we believe that this is the only way that we can guarantee a quality result that does not compromise your final objectives.
5. Which languages do you work with?
Our team specializes in the following language pairs: English, French, Italian, and Spanish into Portuguese, and Portuguese into English (UK and US).
6. Which areas do you specialize in?
At our translation Boutique, we offer language services to several professional fields.
However, over the years we have accumulated specific areas in which we have become specialized.
Among others, we highlight: Websites, Software Interfaces, Mobile Apps, User Manuals, Contracts, Certificates, Legal Documents, Technical Manuals, Psychology, Literary Area, Marketing, Spirituality and Esotericism, Health and Wellness, Sustainability and Ecology.
7. Do you offer translations to private customers?
Yes. At our translation Boutique, we take pride in the diversity of our customers, which has allowed us to grow both in experience and flexibility.
From corporate documents, to blog articles and social media, from large companies to private customers, we provide diversified and personalized quotes for every need, handling every assignment with the same amount of diligence and commitment because that is our passion.
If you want to know more about us, we recommend you visit the About Us page and/or read about our services in Services.
8. I need a translation. What should I do?
The first step is making sure that you can present your work in a format that allows us to evaluate it. The work can be printed, typed, or in a digital format, and it must be delivered by the customer through post or email.
The second step is to contact us with your questions, whether you know the type of service you need or if you’re still in doubt. Our team is available to provide all the necessary help and to prepare a free non-binding quote according to your needs.
In the specific case of website and blog translations, to request a quote, you must send us the files to be quoted in Word, Excel, PDF, etc. format, or in HTML language, through the free quote form or email. We do not provide free quotes based on the submission of a simple link.
You can also contact us through the Contact us form.
9. What are your deadlines? And what if it is urgent?
The normal deadline for the delivery of an assignment is defined by our team, according to the analysis of the documents and the workload we have at the time. We also consider the customer’s needs, and the deadline is agreed upon between both parties.
As in other professional fields, a project that may be handled with time is always preferable to an urgent deadline. However, should the need arise, it may be possible for us to carry out your assignment in a more urgent manner. By devoting ourselves exclusively to your project, it will have an additional cost of 50%.
10. Once translated, how do you deliver the texts?
Once completed, translations are sent by email (this being the usual way), or by post, if necessary.
Verbarium may preserve the project format or may change it to another format according to your needs, as long as it is technically possible and there are no special details such as images, illustrations, graphics, technical drawings, etc.
11. What is your pricing?
Our pricing varies according to the type of work presented.
Customers are very diverse, as are the needs of each job, therefore it would be impossible to realistically present prices.
Over the years, we have learned that flexibility is crucial, so we recommend that you fill out our no-obligation free quote form to assess your needs.
You can also send us your questions through the Contact us form or email.
12. Does the quote have associated costs?
No, the quote is always free of charge and drawn up according to the needs of each customer.
It is developed based on the project presented by the customer without any obligation of acceptance by him/her.
After confirmation, any additional services or tasks will have associated costs, which will be added to the original quote.
However, these costs are discussed in advance with the customer and applied only after their approval.
To learn more about the conditions of our service, visit the Terms page.
13. What are the accepted payment methods?
We accept payment in cash (in person), check, bank transfer, and PayPal (upon payment of the corresponding fee).
For jobs with a value above 1000 euro, we request an advance of 50% prior to beginning work.
14. What is your approach to confidentiality?
Confidentiality is one of our top priorities. We always handle every type of document with the same confidentiality, whether it is a private or corporate customer, a technical translation, or a blog text.
We undertake to respect the confidentiality of the transmitted documents, and we will not disclose any information to third parties during or after the provision of services, except for the providers involved in the provision of the services in question, subject to a signed confidentiality agreement.
Likewise, all members of our in-house team, as well as external collaborators, are bound by a Confidentiality Agreement for all projects with which they come into direct or indirect contact.
For detailed information on the conditions of our service, visit the Terms page.
15. What is a certified translation?
A certified translation differs from all other types of translation, as it requires the translated documents to be officially certified so they have legal value in Portugal or abroad.
We take care of the entire document certification process, as you can see on our certified translation page, where we describe this service in greater detail.
16. What should I do if I need a certified translation?
Next, you should fill out our free quote form or contact us so we can clarify any doubts and draw up a free non-binding quote; if you accept it, we will start the translation and certification process.
If you want to know more about this service, you can visit our certified translation.
17. Why isn’t the Portuguese version of Verbarium website written with the New Spelling Agreement?
In short, to make a statement. However, we would like to point out that all projects are handled according to the customer’s preference, applying the rules of the Portuguese New Spelling Agreement when required.
That being said, our internal approach is as follows: we often work on translations with the Portuguese New Spelling Agreement and we are not against Spelling Agreements, since we use the 1945 Spelling Agreement extensively.
We are against the 1990 Spelling Agreement because we believe it was created for unnecessary reasons and drawn up negligently, imposed by political agendas, and the result of its implementation has damaged the consistency of the Portuguese language, which is one of the richest languages in the world.
This gesture is not done out of mere stubbornness, but because every day we receive troublesome translations with a mixture of spellings before and after the 1990 Spelling Agreement, displaying the deep confusion that still exists among professionals pertaining to the imposed rules.
For this reason, we have developed internal materials that have allowed us over the years to help customers “clean up” translations received from other sources, as well as alert customers to inconsistent work.
We specialize in translating and proofreading with the Portuguese New Spelling Agreement and we do it out of professional pride, but in what we can, we make a clear statement about this issue.
That is why our digital content, website and social media, as well as email communications or digital messages, are written without the Portuguese New Spelling Agreement. We consider this fight for the preservation of our language a priority and a just cause.
18. I am or I have a friend who is fluent in English or another language. Why should I go to a translation company?
A quality translation does not solely depend on knowledge of the source and target languages.
When we speak of a quality translation, we refer to factors such as grammar and spelling, but also to others that may not be so obvious—yet they are vital to create a successful translation.
For example, the understanding and interpretation of the source language, the ability to convey the original content into the target language using correct and up-to-date terminology, and finding the adequate meaning for the target audience, amongst other services, are crucial.
Another factor is related to the translation expertise itself, which is acquired over the years and never really ends, because each job and each translation present new challenges and new levels to be conquered.
It might be tempting to ask a language savvy friend to translate, yet the end result would fall short in terms of expectation and adequacy. The myth of a quality translation requiring a huge investment is what deters most people from even asking for a quote. We understand this concern, and therefore, we encourage potential customers to contact us beforehand with their ideas, requesting a free and non-binding quote.
Once you have all the information in your hands, you’ll be able to make a conscious decision. You can contact us through the Contact us form or by email.
19. There are automatic translators. Why should I pay a professional?
This is a myth that has been advertised over the years and disproved time and time again.
A professional translator could never be replaced by software, regardless of whether the algorithm is advanced or complex. The sensibility, empathy, and comprehension that must be present when interpreting a text, and subsequently translating it, could never be reproduced by a machine.
It is not by chance that, despite millions being invested every year in the production and development of automatic translators, the human factor has never ceased to be indispensable in this sector.
These statements come from a team such as ours, that acknowledges the importance of technology and regularly uses its advantages to give ourits customers quality results with fair deadlines and costs.
These statements come from a team such as ours, that acknowledges the importance of technology and regularly uses its advantages to give our customers quality results with fair deadlines and costs.
Therefore, we are not against technology, but against the notion that a machine can equate to a human mind in the translation of texts that, by their very nature, require interpretation and present nuances that are easily ignored by software. If you want to know more about us, we recommend you visit the About Us or Services pages and visit us on social media.