It makes perfect sense: if we want our words to sell, we have to be very careful not to overdo it because exaggeration will easily cross the very fine line between eliciting a certain emotion and making the reader feel manipulated. This would have the exact opposite effect to what we intended.
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The creative process—how to stimulate creativity? (Part II)
The processing of information carried out by the brain also requires breaks—so create moments to let your brain breathe!
You know when your computer is getting sluggish, and you use the “classic” turn-off-then-back-on-again fix? Suddenly, as if by magic, everything is fine again.
That’s it. Allow your brain to “reset”!
Plagiarism and the importance of citing the author
It’s not just about submitting another author’s complete work as your own; copying and pasting other authors’ ideas or entire sentences without citing the source is also plagiarism (meaning, stealing).
So is using a quote from an author in your own words without putting it between quotation marks and referencing the author or providing incorrect sources for a quote.
Copywriting and brand success – Part III
You may think that you don’t want your readers to skim the page, but you actually do! So go ahead and help them skim through the text. Making it easier for them is how you can catch their attention and make your message easier to digest.
Copywriting and brand success – Part II
Creative copywriting requires not only getting the information across but also getting it across in the most interesting, appealing, and relatable way. This requires a creative mindset and will often force you to think out-of-the-box.
Copywriting and brand success – Part I
Your best bet is hiring an experienced, knowledgeable, and skilled copywriting professional to offer you the right words that communicate your brand identity and your vision to your target audience in the tone of voice that will work better for them.
Metalanguage explained
Through language, humans are able to transmit and receive objective information about what is going on around them. Metalanguage is not only about terminology, but also about the way we speak and the impact of how we do it on the success of our everyday communication.
The creative process—how to stimulate creativity? (Part III)
It makes perfect sense: if we want our words to sell, we have to be very careful not to overdo it because exaggeration will easily cross the very fine line between eliciting a certain emotion and making the reader feel manipulated. This would have the exact opposite effect to what we intended.
The creative process—how to stimulate creativity? (Part II)
The processing of information carried out by the brain also requires breaks—so create moments to let your brain breathe!
You know when your computer is getting sluggish, and you use the “classic” turn-off-then-back-on-again fix? Suddenly, as if by magic, everything is fine again.
That’s it. Allow your brain to “reset”!
Plagiarism and the importance of citing the author
It’s not just about submitting another author’s complete work as your own; copying and pasting other authors’ ideas or entire sentences without citing the source is also plagiarism (meaning, stealing).
So is using a quote from an author in your own words without putting it between quotation marks and referencing the author or providing incorrect sources for a quote.
Copywriting and brand success – Part III
You may think that you don’t want your readers to skim the page, but you actually do! So go ahead and help them skim through the text. Making it easier for them is how you can catch their attention and make your message easier to digest.
Copywriting and brand success – Part II
Creative copywriting requires not only getting the information across but also getting it across in the most interesting, appealing, and relatable way. This requires a creative mindset and will often force you to think out-of-the-box.
Copywriting and brand success – Part I
Your best bet is hiring an experienced, knowledgeable, and skilled copywriting professional to offer you the right words that communicate your brand identity and your vision to your target audience in the tone of voice that will work better for them.
Metalanguage explained
Through language, humans are able to transmit and receive objective information about what is going on around them. Metalanguage is not only about terminology, but also about the way we speak and the impact of how we do it on the success of our everyday communication.