Copywriting and brand success Part III

Tips for copywriting

We have already described the usefulness of copywriting for businesses and even governments and institutions, so, let’s now focus on those who would like to be copywriters themselves to help them get a better idea of what lies ahead.

Writing isn’t just talent. It’s also skill and hard work.

Whether you write for a website, a blog, or a webzine, you need to focus on audience, platform, and goals. You’re also trying to choose the right words to keep your audience engaged. You must be persuasive and compelling. And let’s not forget, the chances are you must worry about SEO too!

Let’s see how you can scale up your game and create copy that will help you, and ultimately, your clients, succeed.


So, what can you do before writing?

Identify popular topics and frequent questions

Identifying the most popular topics and trying to predict your users’ most frequent questions is a great way to plan and organize your content. Once you find these, you can develop content that offers even more value to your readers. You can also browse social media to find out the followers’ preferences, lifestyle, etc.

Even an internal writer may not have all the information, so researching is always fundamental.

Find sales data patterns

There’s a humongous amount of data available if you research sales patterns. This can be especially useful if you focus mainly on reputable sources when gathering data and statistics.

Leverage user reviews

Find out what consumers are saying about the product, what benefits they highlight, and try to ascertain the value the product has for them and how it changed their lives for the better.

Optimize your content with visuals

Don’t be shy about using visuals! We are living in a world with huge amounts of information always available and a serious lack of free time. This can be overwhelming, and people are increasingly more “visual.”

Use either videos, images, or infographics—visual elements increase the time your readers spend on a page and can even lead them to share your content or your visuals on social media.

Make no mistake, copywriting is a stressful job!

Besides all the steps and tricks involved, there are also deadlines to meet, you’re constantly worried about the quality of your work and if your copies will be approved, etc.

Now, let’s take a look at how you can make your writing more readable!

Good structure

Structure your content as smoothly as you can. Remember the audience will skim through your copy before they actually read them. Only a very small percentage of people will read an article word by word.

Don’t focus only on the main subject of your content; focus on headlines and intros. Focus on what your readers want and give them hints about what you have to say in the headlines. They are often trying to absorb information quickly, so you can elaborate those ideas in larger paragraphs. People who are interested will then read the whole copy.

Titles and headlines must show the audience that they are interested in what you are saying. Remember these are the first items readers see, so this is where you need to “hook” them!

Small paragraphs with a clear message

Your visitors will also skim through the larger paragraphs to find the information they need quickly. Large sections of text are off-putting, so divide larger paragraphs into shorter sections and start them with the main idea or question.

In fact, the more empty space between sections of text, the better the user experience! Don’t forget to be concise and clear to get your message across with the least clutter possible.

Subtopics, highlighted key words, bullet points and numbers

Include subtopics and highlight important words in your article. Users searching for a particular topic will quickly see you might have the answers they are looking for.

Divide longer sections with bullets or numbers whenever content can be listed instead of using whole paragraphs—for example, when giving instructions or tips.

Lists will visually offset larger sections of text and make your article more readable.

You may think that you don’t want your readers to skim the page, but you actually do! So go ahead and help them skim through the text. Making it easier for them is how you can catch their attention and make your message easier to digest.

Include Calls-to-Action

Ideally, users find your page because they are looking for something specific to begin with, and that is something that you might have.

CTAs are the best way to show visitors your article is worth reading because it can provide them with answers. Use images, links, buttons or action words to invite readers to read further.

By focusing on your audience’s needs and showing them how you can help, you can create more effective and engaging content. This will improve your copy’s conversion rate but also your page views.

Put readers first

You can think about SEO, but please prioritize people over Google. Your main focus should be writing useful, informative, and entertaining texts for your human readers. Prioritizing humans means considering their needs and how your copy can benefit them.

Also, you must always prioritize readability. Your content may be perfect for page ranking, but if it’s not readable because you focused way too much on keywords, forget it.

People must understand the message you want to convey, and an excellent keyword choice means nothing without a message.

Focus on a question, a problem, or a statement that your target audience is familiar with. Make your readers relate to what you wrote and feel understood while reading it.

You can’t write only when you’re inspired

Sadly, we can’t rely on laying on our back waiting for ideas, and we can’t write only when we feel we have a say in the matter.

We may even have a lot to say initially, but sooner or later we will run out of ideas. So, keep writing regularly, preferably on a schedule, and actively search for ideas to write about.

Your muse won’t always come to visit. You have to step up and find that inspiration yourself.

To wrap things up, I will leave you with a few extra quick tips that might also help, plus a list of useful resources. There’s always room for improvement!

Suggestions and advice

  • Use short sentences and simple vocabulary
  • Use clear and direct subheadings
  • Use descriptive language that creates images in readers’ minds
  • Be personal—make people imagine themselves with the product
  • Use a conversational or even friendly tone
  • Be persuasive and engaging
  • Don’t be vague / don’t be too obvious
  • Remember people buy because they want to, not because they need to
  • Don’t be afraid to start—you can make all the necessary tweaks later. In an initial brainstorming stage, there are no bad ideas

Free online Copywriting Courses

Leave us a comment if you try any of the suggested tips and/or resources.

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