How to handle the hustle & bustle of everyday life

18 Tips for slowing down your pace

We are living in strange times.

Try to picture the pace of your grandparents’ or your parents’ lives. Can you imagine…? 🤔

We know they worked hard, but the pace of their daily lives most certainly was no match for our current frantic routines.

Have you ever noticed how the elderly are always eager to share their stories, their good and bad memories, the many adventures and misadventures they’ve been through? They have so much to tell!

They lived long lives, with ups and downs, but simpler and yet productive lives.

What about us? We don’t even take the time to listen to our elders. We are permanently in a hurry, we don’t have the time, we are late, always in a frantic race against the clock. 🏃⏰

Will we have that many stories to tell our children when we are old? Or will we tell them all about the time we spent with our faces buried in a computer or phone screen?

We make our own lives shorter because we live them as if life were a race. 💀

A race to achieve goals, such as the much coveted “success” for some or “fame” for others. We are in a permanent race to have and to own: the latest cellphone, the best computer, or the newest flat screen TV—the bigger the better. 💫🌠

New technologies keep coming at a breakneck speed, and that device you worked so hard to buy only a couple of years ago will be obsolete in a jiffy!

A race to get a job that gives you status, to climb the career ladder, so that others will perceive you in a certain way. A race to have a relationship that validates you to other people. It’s as if you aren’t real enough if you choose to live alone, to have no children, no cats/dogs, and just live off the earth somewhere, away from today’s hustle and bustle.

Instead, you should be in a hurry to realize—the sooner the better—that life cannot be a race. That you must slow down and live at your own pace. That you must take time to appreciate what really matters. That you should listen to your elders and learn from them because they have so much to teach. That the best you can offer your children is your time! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Try giving people attention!

If you give attention to your children, they will grow up to be better and happier people. If you give the elderly the attention they crave, because they’re not getting it from their own busy children and grandchildren, YOU will be a better and happier person.

In return, spending time with children will help you maintain a youthful mindset and keep abreast of change. The elderly are excellent sources of knowledge and practical wisdom, and lots of history, experienced firsthand.

For those who enjoy writing and for those who write professionally, like me, listening to people, and having conversations in general, is a great source of inspiration! 👵🏿👵🏻👴🏻

If you are a copywriter, if you work in creative writing or content writing, or if you are a professional who provides creative translations or marketing translation services—believe me you will have something to gain, both personally and professionally. If you don’t work in linguistics, at least you will have the satisfaction of having given the lonely and the forgotten a brighter day.

I used to say that attention is free, it doesn’t cost money. If there are those who crave it so much, and if we have it, this is a medicine with no side effects. 💊

But how do you slow down in such a connected world with such diverse family models and demanding careers in which you may become redundant fast if you don’t stay relevant and constantly keep up with progress?

Forget technology for a moment, forget the rush, consumption, and the desires for fortune and success. Learn to live one day at a time and give more of yourself to your loved ones—and to others too. Why not?

Trust me, the way we perceive time is what matters most! ⌛

Living calmly, the so-called “slow living,” is the surest way to extend life.

Here are some suggestions on how to start living a more peaceful life:

At Work

  1. Keep your work schedule under control. Don’t work overtime if it’s not really necessary. Leave your workplace as soon as your tasks for the day are completed, whether it’s the company office or home office. 🧑🏻‍💼💼
  2. Organize your schedule to include breaks. Create a to-do list and delete any tasks that you consider unnecessary.
  3. In addition to a lunch break, take a few 3–5-minute breaks at regular intervals both in your personal time and at work. If necessary, set a timer or a reminder on your phone. Of course, you should postpone your alarm if it will go off in the middle of a very important activity—be sensible and flexible. 📳📵
  4. Disconnect! Set times throughout the day for reading emails and notifications and for any other online activities. Likewise, set times to go offline, and disconnect during your breaks as well. Afraid that something will happen while you are unreachable? Give the people that are closest to you instructions on how to reach you in case of an emergency and make yourself unavailable to the rest of the world.
  5. Notifications are a true flood of interruptions. Disable them while you work, while you sleep and during breaks, and when you devote time to “your special people.”
  6. Delegating and prioritizing is key. Determine which tasks are most important and do them first. See which ones you can delegate and allow yourself to rely on others! Do you have superpowers? No. And yes, other people are competent too.
  7. Avoid multitasking. Don’t fall into the trap of doing several things at once. Focus on one thing at a time and you’ll get everything done without hassle, so you’ll end up saving time.
  8. At the end of each day, plan the next day so you can forget all about your household chores and your work, and be able to sleep soundly.
  9. Create time to have conversations. At work, set aside 10 minutes every day to talk informally with members of your team and other colleagues. Don’t talk about work—focus on getting to know each person better: their vacation plans, fears and dreams, hobbies, and thoughts.💭🗨️

At Home

  1. Breathe! When you feel yourself speeding, pause briefly to breathe deeply. 🌬️ Counting while you inhale/exhale works as an instant natural tranquilizer.
  2. Mindfulness: meditation relieves anxiety and stress, increases concentration, improves energy levels, and even stimulates creativity.
  3. Take advantage of the outdoors: walking in nature is a relaxing activity that will help you slow down your pace. 🌳 🌞 🍄
  4. Set your alarm clock 10–15 minutes earlier to have more time in the morning when getting ready for work. This will help your whole day go at a more leisurely pace.

  1. Cook your own meals! Cooking is a true therapy and promotes calmness. Afterwards, enjoy what you’ve cooked! Don’t eat at your desk, don’t eat standing up, and don’t eat fast. Use your lunch hour to eat peacefully, instead of “speed-eating” to go get other things done. 👩‍🍳 🍳
  2. Learn to say “no.” When we can’t say no, we end up piling up the requests of others with our own tasks. ⛔
  3. Enjoy your home—don’t spend all your time away, returning home only to sleep. Sit down, simply doing nothing with your devices turned off or inside a drawer. Take 10 minutes out of your day to quietly drink a cup of coffee or tea or read a book at home.
  4. Do puzzles—completing puzzles can be extremely “Zen”! 🧩 🧩
  5. Listen, quietly and actively. When in conversation, make a real effort to listen calmly and attentively. Comment and ask questions related to what the person has said. Don’t just hear people out to be able to respond, but truly listen to understand them. 👂

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